For an easier life Circulation: 192,897,787 Issue: 668 | 7th day of Storing, Y16
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Can I Use Your Shoe?

by tedypicker

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Random Oddness - Brightvale University
I've got all my textbooks!

by mistyqee


Trick-or-Treating All Around Neopia
The Haunted Woods were once again this year the most popular place to celebrate Halloween in, with a massive influx of Neopets from all over Neopia, who went trick-or-treating during the spooky night. However...

by kadumy


Top Five Tactics to Ensure a Place at Brightvale Uni
Increase your chances of being accepted into the most prestigious learning academy in all of Neopia.

by cotop


The postman came to the house as if it were any ordinary day -- as if the fool had no idea how important a morning it was.

by phoenix_through_fire

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