Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 192,912,876 Issue: 669 | 14th day of Storing, Y16
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We found the following 4 result(s) for the keyword emokidd0

Week - 433

Magma Dip Fail
by emokidd0
Description: Look! The guard is sleeping.

Week - 440

Uni Ride
by emokidd0
Description: Whee.

Idea by lobstrosities

Week - 640

Random Events Machine - Surprise Community Challenge
by emokidd0
Description: The random events machine building project caused previously worthless daily junk items to suddenly skyrocket in price...

Week - 669

Everyone Wants a Table...
by emokidd0
Description: Who likes to eat out at popular places?

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One Shred of Light: Part Four
"You heard me, Magax!" she shouted. "Come in before you catch your death of cold or go away to do it where I don't have to see your stupid face!"

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15 Ways to Celebrate Neopets' 15th Birthday
That's right, it's time for Neopets' birthday once again.

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Gears for Fears
I feel prettYYY! Oh so prettYYYYYY!!!!

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