Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 192,912,876 Issue: 669 | 14th day of Storing, Y16
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We found the following 1 result(s) for the keyword likelife96

Week - 669

Shattering Darkness
by likelife96
Description: Once, his people called him Lord Darigan. They used to be prosperous, happy, knowing nothing of war or disease or the thousands of things that plagued the world...

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Great stories!


The Floating Islanders: Glamorous
"I even got a mirror! Talk about best day ever!"

by yankeesrule244444456


One Shred of Light: Part Four
"You heard me, Magax!" she shouted. "Come in before you catch your death of cold or go away to do it where I don't have to see your stupid face!"

by kristykimmy


The End is Nigh!
Dedicated to the Random Contest.

Also by coloridge

by msjanny


Children of the Lonely Stars: Part Eleven
Diamal merely raised her hand and pointed. A swirl of magic, a feeling of vertigo, and the top of the spire was simple gone...

by saphira_27


Kelp Restaurant Review
What dishes do you need to try? Which ones should you stay away from? How's the service? Is this place worth your valuable time?

by xxrayray

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