The inside scoop on Jelly W-argh! *choke* Circulation: 192,951,137 Issue: 671 | 26th day of Storing, Y16
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We found the following 6 result(s) for the keyword jhudora96

Week - 568

Ten Ways to Celebrate your Neopian Halloween!
by jhudora96
Description: Sure, there are pumpkin patches to visit, costumes to be arranged for your Neopets, even some pre-holiday candy snacking to partake in. But there are tons more ways to celebrate this occasion...

Week - 594

Picnic Panic
by jhudora96
Description: hum dee dum!

Week - 613

The Colors of Fall
by jhudora96
Description: Maybe it's the color change of all the leaves, the idea of a fresh school year, or some other Neopets they're hoping to impress in class - but whatever the reason, it always seems to be in the fall season when our Neopets ask for a new color.

Week - 658

A Fuzzy Friend
by jhudora96
Description: Snowball fight!

Week - 670

Almost In Luck!
by jhudora96
Description: Neefa, the rather ill-tempered baby Buzz, gets a morning surprise...

Week - 671

A Vanda-What?!
by jhudora96
Description: Poor Trasey has completely misunderstood Neopia's brand new Vandagyre!

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