A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 192,951,137 Issue: 671 | 26th day of Storing, Y16
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A Vanda-What?!

by jhudora96

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Worth Searching For: Part Nine
Roberta's directions proved to be far more helpful than she'd predicted. Hyren, Blynn, Celice, and Gwyneth found the turnoff easily, and by nightfall they'd begun to make their way up into the wooded mountains.

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Friday: 196 Dubloons Left
It was another gorgeous Friday morning in Warf Wharf and the one-legged shopkeeper of Krawk Island Nippers had just turned the welcome sign on...

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Adventure Awaits: The Deserted Tomb
There is one question that I'm sure many Neopians, young and old alike, have pondered for quite some time: what is the Mystery of Mystery Island?

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The Necromancer: Part Seven
Emma returned from the dungeons feeling that she had very little to show for the time she'd invested since the start of the day.

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