Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 192,959,134 Issue: 672 | 5th day of Celebrating, Y16
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We found the following 16 result(s) for the keyword stoicjohn

Week - 370

Maxing Out: The Battle for Hi-Score Table Supremacy
by stoicjohn
Description: The One Player Hi-Score Tables!

Week - 382

Gadgads-battledoming: Fighting with Fruit
by stoicjohn
Description: There has been interest shown in a Fruit-Only Battledome Tournament to be held during the second day of the Gadgadsbogen Festival.

Week - 388

Sad Days in the Dome: Battledome Weapon Downgrades
by stoicjohn
Description: Nothing depresses the average Battledomer like that really elite weapon that they just can't have.

Week - 404

Sophie's Whim: Weapons From The Depths Of The Swamp
by stoicjohn
Description: Let's see if we can find some Battledome weapons on the track to Sophie's shack.

Week - 419

Lab Rats and the Battledomers Who Love Them
by stoicjohn
Description: It's hard to know your place in Neopia when you can go to sleep as a Green Grundo and wake up as a Spotted Koi.

Week - 424

Don't Be a Punchbag
by stoicjohn
Description: "Fine, fine, I'm tired of you blocking my office door every day. Go out back and pick a fight with Punchbag Bob. You win and I'll sign you up."

Week - 423

Festive Fighting
by stoicjohn
Description: What do you get a Wocky for Christmas when he already owns a Scuzzys Comb?

Week - 427

Deciphering the Dome: Bombs Away!
by stoicjohn
Description: Bombs are one of your basic Battledome item types.

Written with nightwind_292

Week - 428

Deciphering the Dome: Urban Legends and Ugly Rumors
by stoicjohn
Description: In the best interest of all of those marginally crazed Battledomers out there, here's a list of the top Battledome myths and legends that refuse to go away.

Week - 434

Mongo the Elephante v.s. the BD Glitch from Heck
by larkspurlane
Description: New Battledome Challenger!

Also by stoicjohn

Week - 449

Neopets Offline
by stoicjohn
Description: A way to play Neopets... without a computer!

Week - 462

Battlefield Legends: Advanced Strategy
by stoicjohn
Description: It's fun to play and the next best thing to a good old Neopets war.

Week - 463

Why We Don't Need Our Faeries
by stoicjohn
Description: I don't think anyone could have anticipated how great a Neopia without faeries would be.

Week - 466

Wraith to the End: A Faeries' Ruin Battling Guide
by stoicjohn
Description: You may have noticed some changes around the Battledome; don't be alarmed because this is a good thing.

Week - 600

600 Days of Winter: A Petpetpet Detective Story
by stoicjohn
Description: The walk from my office to the bureau is littered with snow petpetpets and frozen ice crystal sculptures; it seems the kids are really loving this extended winter break...

Week - 672

Why We Can't Have Nice Things
by stoicjohn
Description: Why yes, it is my birthday.

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A Queen's Ascension: Part Two
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