Preparing Neopia for the Meepits Circulation: 193,217,755 Issue: 679 | 6th day of Awakening, Y17
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We found the following 20 result(s) for the keyword dudeiloled

Week - 436

Hannah and The Golden Dubloon
by dudeiloled
Description: Ever thought of Hannah before she became Hannah the Brave, adventurer of Neopia?

Week - 442

Slow and Steady
by 0turtle
Description: ...wins the race?

Idea by dudeiloled

Week - 509

by dudeiloled
Description: "Promise me you'll run away if you see one alone. Any mutant creature. They're dangerous. They support Sloth himself!"

Week - 512

The Chocolate Statue
by dudeiloled
Description: "They say if you make a wish in front of it, it might come true..."

Week - 517

The Co-Worker and the Missing Sister: Part One
by dudeiloled
Description: It was her dream to become a famous detective.

Week - 518

The Co-Worker and the Missing Sister: Part Two
by dudeiloled
Description: At least solving other people's problems was easy, Engtortia thought with a small smile.

Week - 519

The Co-Worker and the Missing Sister: Part Three
by dudeiloled
Description: "What did I tell you about calling me Rosie?" Rose laughed, but she wasn't annoyed. A part of her was truly happy at seeing her old friend.

Her old co-worker.

Week - 520

The Co-Worker and the Missing Sister: Part Four
by dudeiloled
Description: Rose woke up, startled. She'd had the strangest dream. Her old co-worker and friend Alistair had asked her to help him with a case – only to throw a Slumberberry Potion in her face!

Week - 521

The Co-Worker and the Missing Sister: Part Five
by dudeiloled
Description: "It was an ordinary day for anyone in Neopia. An ordinary morning in Meridell. But one Gelert had a plan..."

Week - 522

The Co-Worker and the Missing Sister: Part Six
by dudeiloled
Description: "You did what?" Rose screeched, wide awake and even angrier than before.

Week - 523

The Co-Worker and the Missing Sister: Part Seven
by dudeiloled
Description: Rose knocked the bottle away, but it was too late. It too smashed onto the hard floor, into millions of pieces, glittering like jewels or stars. Oliver closed his eyes and gasped.

Week - 671

A Queen's Ascension: Part One
by dudeiloled
Description: It was another gloriously scorching day in the Lost Desert, the temperature reaching almost record heights, and there wasn't a cloud in the beautiful blue sky...

Week - 672

A Queen's Ascension: Part Two
by dudeiloled
Description: "Only thirty days left," she chuckled under her breath, eyeing a page in her diary further ahead that had written on it 'FREZON IS KING'.

Week - 673

A Queen's Ascension: Part Three
by dudeiloled
Description: Vyssa became Viola, a Usul who had lived in Sakhmet her whole life and didn't have a family. She knew if she told the truth to Tomos he would completely change...

Week - 674

A Queen's Ascension: Part Four
by dudeiloled
Description: "No thank you, but thank you for your time."

Week - 675

A Queen's Ascension: Part Five
by dudeiloled
Description: Tomos stood very still. He had to think on his feet. He was alone in Frezon's room with the Lupe himself and could see how dangerous he was...

Week - 676

A Queen's Ascension: Part Six
by dudeiloled
Description: It was hot. Of course it was hot. When was it never? The sun was like some unstoppable force here...

Week - 677

A Queen's Ascension: Part Seven
by dudeiloled
Description: Advisor Wessle moaned loudly. "Princess Amira, have you completely lost your mind?" he cried.

Week - 678

A Queen's Ascension: Part Eight
by dudeiloled
Description: The old Uni chuckled slightly at that. "Yes, dear. Who else would live down here but me?" Her eyes were mesmerising; Vyssa couldn't help but be sucked in by them.

Week - 679

A Queen's Ascension: Part Nine
by dudeiloled
Description: Vyssa and Tomos made it back to Sakhmet with just one day to go before the coronation.

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