A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 193,091,074 Issue: 680 | 13th day of Awakening, Y17
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We found the following 2 result(s) for the keyword softlyspokenwords

Week - 679

Getting Flash Game Avatars with your Trackpad
by softlyspokenwords
Description: The flash game avatars can be tough - that's no secret.

Also by creepin_reaper

Week - 680

Unique Valentine's Gifts for Everyone on Your List
by softlyspokenwords
Description: It's that time of year again. The Month of Awakening is here, and you need to buy some Valentine's Day gifts!

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Josh the Grarrl Looks For a Job
Nothing can go wrong.

by table


Janet and Jane: The Case of the Museum at Midnight - Part One
As the two of us made our way to the Historic Weapons part of the Neopian Museum to meet Jane, we looked around the exhibits. I had to admit, this place was impressive.

by chasing_stars44


Firebrand and Livewire
The yellow Lupe looked at the Neomail that he held in one large hand. Memories flooded him, made him recall a snowy day when he had still been a wild young Lupe.

by 77thbigby


Ex-Best Valentines
"We figure we owe you a favor. For the, you know, telling us Parlax was playing us both for fools. Do you want his stuff or no?"

by vlogical


Top 10 Valentines Day Themed NC Items
We hope you find our suggestions useful in finding the perfect NC items to add to your Neopets Valentines Day attire.

Also by sugarycupcakes

by honeybee54321

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