Preparing Neopia for the Meepits Circulation: 193,453,319 Issue: 691 | 24th day of Swimming, Y17
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We found the following 1 result(s) for the keyword raven_esque

Week - 691

The Melon Gem
by raven_esque
Description: It's a little bundle of green fur.

That's what I take to be the scenario, at first. Slowly, her head peeks up, and pink eyes gaze at me questioningly. Nubby black horns gleam a bit as she stands up in a wobbly way, and as my leg moves outward in sheer maternal instinct, she falls against my knee.

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Mother's Balloon: Part Seven
The Worthingtons went to work, but their houseguest remained in her seat. She did not try to help this time around, and she wondered if she ever would again. Her hands hurt too much to hold a knife to slice cheese or butter bread, and even if she was able to carry her own plate to the table, she would probably just drop it and smash it on the floor, and then everyone would step on the pieces, and would end up dropping their dishes as well.

by dewdropzz


Beauty Lessons
Do they even know what a mirror is?

by amarettoball


Creative Ways Of Adopting Pets!
However, I've noticed several new classes of owners, people who adopt pets based on criteria other than the pets' looks, names or Battledome stats. Here is a list of the most interesting criteria, which I gathered by canvassing the people on the Pound Neoboard.

by indulgences


The Adventures of Trina: The Awakening: Part Two
“It was not my fault!” he snarled. “If you had actually paid attention to what was goin’ on, it’s pretty obvious that I’m powerless in the crew. Why would they listen to a thing I, the ship’s gunner, have to say? And why would I waste my time pestering those arrogant buffoons who think height and treasure and rank are everything? I couldn’t do a thing!”

by ummagine3284


The Curious Blumaroo: Library Mysteries
Where could they all be going?!

by turtling

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