Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 193,472,657 Issue: 692 | 31st day of Swimming, Y17
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We found the following 1 result(s) for the keyword flannelle

Week - 692

Trouble's Brewing
by flannelle
Description: Deep within the macabre wetland of the Haunted Woods, hidden by the swamp gases and crooked trees shrouded in tangles of spongy moss, there was a foreboding abode that stood on the muddy river bank. Composed of rotten-looking shambles of wood, it looked like the slightest gust of wind could knock the entire residence on its side. But it was the enigmatic ixi that called this dingy shack home that really gave rise to the mysteries.

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Great stories!


A Rebuttal - Queen Fyora is Not A Dark Faerie
There have long been rumours about Queen Fyora’s element. Specifically, some have debated whether Fyora is actually a dark faerie in disguise. Naturally, when a rumour starts among the faeries, it does not take long to propagate and soon, many all over Neopia would hear of it.

by black_skull725


Hunger Gains
Too full? Not quite.

by amarettoball


Color Fail #4
Kiko Swimming Competition

Also by susy_ti

by sppyder2


How to Embarrass Yourself in Public
Volume 1 / 1,000,000.

by ghostie_of_the_fc


Packing for Picnics
Here are a few ideas of easy to prepare meals to throw together for your picnic that will keep your pets energized and full!

by brittanyandsteven

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