For an easier life Circulation: 193,472,657 Issue: 692 | 31st day of Swimming, Y17
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We found the following 2 result(s) for the keyword i_love_cute_neos

Week - 687

The Hard Life of a Petpet
by i_love_cute_neos
Description: Life’s not easy for anyone but these creatures must deal with more than most. They are small, convenient and loyal and that makes them perfect for all of the injustices that they are put through with little appreciation.

Week - 692

A Rock in the Woods
by i_love_cute_neos
Description: Nadine, one young Strawberry Poogle, frowned as she looked down. All rocks in the Haunted Woods looked somewhat similar but she was sure- very, very sure- that she had seen this one before.

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Horsing Around
Arvakur completes a Faerie Quest.

by _koolness_


Mother's Balloon: Part Eight
Joyful sounds of laughter were carried in on the wind, but it was the wafting smell of a chocolate cake baking slowly in an oven that awakened Reyela's senses, and alerted her of the fact that the day had started without her.

by dewdropzz


Blossoms~ Retry Part 2
She also enjoys fashion, painting, and pouting about her life.

by twillieblossom


Doc's Odyssey Part 4 - Finally! The Meeting... OH NO
A story of a scientist trying to get to a pitch meeting...

Written by Homsar_Eggplant

Drawn by Fhujmasterofhedgehog

by fhujmasterofhedgehog


Memories and Wishes
I stare up at the night sky. Up on this hill, the whole of it is visible, and the stars shine down at me. It is such a shame that their luster is lost in the turmoil of the city. So I come here, where it is quiet. The night sky stares at me. A shooting star passes. I have not seen one of those in years. The last time was… oh yes, it was back then…

by katie_kitkabug

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