Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 193,472,657 Issue: 692 | 31st day of Swimming, Y17
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We found the following 5 result(s) for the keyword sassyxsandra

Week - 686

Get Your Picky Neopet Reading Now!
by sassyxsandra
Description: I asked the knowledgeable Nimmo for his take on the most interesting books in all of Neopia for these picky hard-to-please readers.

Week - 689

Pixie the Ixi
by sassyxsandra
Description: Deep into the woods of Meridell, far past anywhere Illusen would dare send a devotee, traveled a pair of Neopets on their own quest.

Week - 690

A Snow Faerie's Vacation
by sassyxsandra
Description: A slender index finger adorned with bright blue nail polish traced over a map of Neopia. Faerieland, Haunted Woods, Lost Desert, Krawk Island, the different lands seemed to jumble together in an indiscriminate manner in the mind. The owner of the index finger was none other than Taelia, the most well known Snow Faerie in all of Neopia. Her cold gaze fixed upon the giant map that took up the entirety of her desk.

Week - 691

A Stealthy Shoyru's Mission
by sassyxsandra
Description: Deep within the mountains of Shenkuu, a tiny temple rested carved into the side of one of the highest peaks. The chipped gray paint of the walls and the torn red banner that waved aimlessly gave the impression that this particular temple was most likely abandoned long ago. However, to think that this tiny building nestled deep within the mountain was devoid of any company was incorrect.

Week - 692

The Dilemma of the Bad Gamer
by sassyxsandra
Description: If you felt like the living embodiment of the grey Wocky avatar at the mention of games and trophies, you might be facing the dilemma of the bad gamer.

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Detective Alisha: The Red Apple: Part One
Mirror, mirror, on the wall... who's the culprit of them all?

by roxanna203


Trouble's Brewing
Deep within the macabre wetland of the Haunted Woods, hidden by the swamp gases and crooked trees shrouded in tangles of spongy moss, there was a foreboding abode that stood on the muddy river bank. Composed of rotten-looking shambles of wood, it looked like the slightest gust of wind could knock the entire residence on its side. But it was the enigmatic ixi that called this dingy shack home that really gave rise to the mysteries.

by flannelle


Horsing Around
Arvakur completes a Faerie Quest.

by _koolness_


The Sorceress and the Prisoner: Part Four
King Skarl stared at the letter in his hands. He couldn't quite believe what he was reading. It was completely unexpected. They hadn't conversed in years, but now he wanted to write to him? This was odd. Something didn't quite add up.

by dudeiloled


5 Super Easy Game Avatars
Those exclusive game avatars. Most people wait until the end to get those because they are stereotyped as being the most difficult to obtain. Well here are some easy games that will let you get the avatar in no time.

by yashasvika

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