For an easier life Circulation: 193,488,540 Issue: 693 | 7th day of Hiding, Y17
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We found the following 2 result(s) for the keyword fanofjake

Week - 673

Background Troubles
by fanofjake
Description: Surrounded by stars

Week - 693

The Breaded Fashion
by fanofjake
Description: Choosing a new color is a piece of cake!... or some other baked good!

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Detective Alisha: The Red Apple 2
That was an unusual thing to say...

by roxanna203


How Neopets Can Help You: A Lifelong Journey
As the summer is winding down, many Neopians are hurriedly attempting to accomplish their goals before the wisps of summer holidays and freedom starts to whiz past them into the distance. As the day darkens and the pace of your mouse’s clicking quickens, don’t fear, little Neopians. For the time spent on Neopets, no matter how big or small the accomplishments earned, can garner quite a few life skills that can be useful to you both on and off a dim yellow screen.

by christielove


The Curse of Knowledge
In Faerieland there is an old custom that is still followed by all Faeries. When a Faerie Neopet is born, the newborn will be blessed with a special gift by a certain Faerie. Depending on the month they were born. The Water Faerie who blessed Arianna, her name was Peritia, spend a long time looking at Arianna when she was placed before her. "She needs a very special blessing." Peritia had whispered and finally she smiled.

by orisasda


Janet and Jane: The Case of the Targeted Heiress: Part Three
What on Neopia should we do? We couldn't just leave him here! He could be the one targeting Mae for all we knew! If he was the Neopet who we were after, we could be in major danger when he woke up. If not, we really needed to ask some questions.

by chasing_stars44


Aisha Soup: Siren's Song
Didn't quite SEA the problem...

by the_shii

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