Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 193,523,354 Issue: 695 | 21st day of Hiding, Y17
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword kjjdavid

Week - 231

The Step-By-Step Guide To Mastering Toybox Escape!
by kjjdavid
Description: Have you ever wondered how one could complete this game with all these robotic pets and their different abilities to move around? After all, they are the abandoned works of Dr. Sloth and we have to help them escape!

Week - 693

Do Not Awake The Snowager!
by kjjdavid
Description: Please, sir!

Week - 695

A Surprise Gift? More Like A Scary One!
by kjjdavid
Description: Wha-What? Why?!

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Great stories!


Mother's Balloon: Part Eleven
"Meat pie, meat pie! We're having meat pie! Ma's having meat pie, Pa's having meat pie! Caleb, Medis and I are all having meat pie!"

"Bettina, have I ever told you I know a surefire way for you to bring world peace?"

"Aw, don't say it." Caleb chastened Hannah, who was holding her ears and groaning. "It's her birthday, she should be able to sing if she wants to."

by dewdropzz


Edible Escapades: Part Two
Comparing these cakes is like apples to oranges!

Also by priscent

by msjanny


You Break It, You Buy It
He seems so nice, until...

Also by azienskieth

by roxanna203


The Traveling Neopian: Neolodge Reviews: Stop #9
It’s going to be a good one; I’m reviewing Presidential Palace today!

Presidential Palace is an extremely luxurious resort located on the eastern shore of Mystery Island. It has fifteen floors that stretch up high into the sky, as well as five lower floors that sink below the island’s surface and underwater for some spectacular aquatic views.

by cadetbush


The Sorceress and the Prisoner: Part Seven
Master Vex paced up and down the cold dungeon. A drip of water persistently hit his head, but he was used to this as he walked this walk every morning and every night. He had been doing so for the past twenty years; nothing was new anymore.

by dudeiloled

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