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Island Mystic

by fourin

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Great stories!


Hannah's Untimely Dawn: Part Two
Hannah almost didn’t realize she was being carried through the forests of Krawk Island, so dazed was she with her own thoughts and her grandfather’s condition. One of his arms was around her, and the other held the box containing the Mermaid’s Tear. He’s strong. He can protect me—and that bit of Grandma in the tear, too. she thought.

Art by Twillieblossom

by flufflepuff


Aurora's Assessment: Part One
Once upon a time, in a small vale between two lesser mountains in the Terror Mountain range, there was a tiny kingdom whose population was made up solely of Bori. This kingdom was called Sevenin, and was ruled by a king and queen.

by bittersweet52


I Didn't Mean That, Fires!
I just wanted to... Nevermind!

by gold_23771__95


The Comprehensive Guide to Premium Collectibles
In January of 2013, The Neopets Team (TNT) added an additional perk to being a premium subscriber. This perk awarded every premium subscriber with a free Neocash item around the 15th of every month. In this guide, I will discuss every premium Neocash item that has been awarded so far in detail as well as give it a one to five star rating with five stars being the best

by painted_dreams87

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