There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 193,540,341 Issue: 696 | 28th day of Hiding, Y17
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword blink_darkphoenix

Week - 651

Rainbow Fountain Closed Forever
by ondore_
Description: You had to go and ruin it for everyone.

Written by blink_darkphoenix

Week - 657

Kind and Honest Neopian
by ondore_
Description: Maybe I'll find someone else.

Written by blink_darkphoenix

Week - 696

Harsh Reality
by blink_darkphoenix
Description: Why wraiths cause your pet to become sad.

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Great stories!


Mother's Balloon: Part Twelve
Reyela ran into the wind, her bare feet sinking into the moist ground with every lunging step she took. She had left the Worthingtons' house in such a hurry that she had forgotten to put on her shoes. She supposed they would always have them now. They could keep them at their front door, and look at them from time to time in remembrance of the girl whom's heart they won, and then tore apart with their lies and hidden truths exposed.

by dewdropzz


Problem solved.

by fourin


Harsh Reality
Why wraiths cause your pet to become sad.

by blink_darkphoenix


*snap* That was the sound that the striped Gelert's tourist camera makes when she elegantly took a photo. Charliemae...

by sparkleeze


You Know You’re Addicted to Avatars When…
I’m not quite sure how or when this happened, but one day many, many years ago, I found myself suddenly obsessed with little square sets of pixels. I don’t know just why that little “Something Has Happened!” popup denoting the newest addition to my collection is as thrilling as it is, but at some point in time, my entire Neopian life began hinging on the thrill of the chase… of avatars!

by pizzanoodles2

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