Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 193,540,341 Issue: 696 | 28th day of Hiding, Y17
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We found the following 2 result(s) for the keyword neo_kid_851

Week - 332

Neopia's 10 Most Shocking Truths
by neo_kid_851
Description: White Weewoos do not actually exist. I know you think you've seen them, but what you've seen are...

Week - 696

Getting Bored? Six Fun Things To Try
by neo_kid_851
Description: With Neopets in its seventeeth year, I’ve seen many players complaining that they’re getting bored of the same old activities, and feel they have run out of things to do on the site. As someone who has been a member of Neopets for more than half my lifetime, I can say I definitely know this feeling! However I’m always trying to find fun new things to do to re-ignite my interest in the site. If you’re feeling the same, I’ve complied a list of a few things you can try!

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Poogles & Giggles #4
Ooooh... Cheese!?

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Random Oddness
... Gee, thanks for the tip.

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Getting Bored? Six Fun Things To Try
With Neopets in its seventeeth year, I’ve seen many players complaining that they’re getting bored of the same old activities, and feel they have run out of things to do on the site. As someone who has been a member of Neopets for more than half my lifetime, I can say I definitely know this feeling! However I’m always trying to find fun new things to do to re-ignite my interest in the site. If you’re feeling the same, I’ve complied a list of a few things you can try!

by neo_kid_851


The Jubjub Doesn't Fall Far From The Tree
Or Was That A Coconut?

by mustikeuh121

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