Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 193,552,674 Issue: 697 | 3rd day of Gathering, Y17
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword minnesotan

Week - 599

99+ Problems & They're All Lenny Conundrums (Part 1)
by minnesotan
Description: In honor of the upcoming 500th Lenny Conundrum, we will walk you through the solutions to all of the puzzles from the past two years.

Also by sacados

Week - 600

99+ Problems & They're All Lenny Conundrums (Part 2)
by minnesotan
Description: Last week we looked at the solutions from Lenny Conundrum rounds 400-451. This week, we've explained the solutions from rounds 452-495...

Also by sacados

Week - 697

Mystery Pic: Questions Unasked & Answers Unsolicited
by minnesotan
Description: Although the Mystery Picture Competition is back, regular participants will have noticed it has undergone some changes. The competition has also been made a lot more difficult than it was before its disappearance… which means you’re in need of tips now more than ever, right? ;)

Also by sacados

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Edible Escapades: Part Four
Don't judge a treat by its shell.

Also by priscent

by msjanny


Aisha Soup: Wig Out!
Toupee or not toupee?

by the_shii


Blossoms~ Retry Part 7
I suspect it's those mood swings of his. ... He still has those, right?

by twillieblossom


Don't Be Lazy, My Friends!
Always do your work! Otherwise it won't be done the way you expected...

Also by strandbikini

by kuschelalarm


How embarrassing D:

by _clement_

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