Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 193,578,808 Issue: 699 | 18th day of Gathering, Y17
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We found the following 4 result(s) for the keyword katie_kitkabug

Week - 604

My Owner's Hoard
by katie_kitkabug
Description: "I always knew I was a small Xweetok, but how did I get overlooked amongst the items? We are going to have to have a serious talk about cleaning this place out when I get out."

Week - 622

9 Most Popular Xweetok Colours
by katie_kitkabug
Description: With Xweetok Day coming up, one of Neopia's most popular pets is being given quite a bit of attention.

Week - 692

Memories and Wishes
by katie_kitkabug
Description: I stare up at the night sky. Up on this hill, the whole of it is visible, and the stars shine down at me. It is such a shame that their luster is lost in the turmoil of the city. So I come here, where it is quiet. The night sky stares at me. A shooting star passes. I have not seen one of those in years. The last time was… oh yes, it was back then…

Week - 699

by katie_kitkabug
Description: I cannot remember. My memory is shattered. Shards of scenes flit through my thoughts, never enough to form a full image. There is nothing here. I briefly wonder how I am breathing before pushing the thought aside. Better to worry about what to do.

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I cannot remember. My memory is shattered. Shards of scenes flit through my thoughts, never enough to form a full image. There is nothing here. I briefly wonder how I am breathing before pushing the thought aside. Better to worry about what to do.

by katie_kitkabug


The Warrior Princess: The Coronation: Part Four
King John was pacing back and forth. Queen Clarissa was very distressed. Clarity had asked Terrence to tell her parents what he had heard. They did not take the news well.

by purplbrooke


Begin Again: Part Two
Lukirri looks out into the night, backpack heavy with dried food, fresh water and a bigger map. She stands alone, but alone and enforced, with a firm idea of what she’s doing.

Art by ellbot1998

by ellbot1998


An Angel and A Devil
Faerieland was at its absolute best. In the month of Gathering, leaves were beginning to turn their autumn colors and a brisk wind blew. Evening had fallen and while the festival had officially ended, some were still enjoying themselves.

by 77thbigby


After ACX: Part Three
Part Three - Darigan

The crowd always gasps when I appear on the pitch. Then they cheer, they’re greedy. You can almost hear their eagerness salivating in their roars. They know that the teams are dreading seeing my purple and black form rise off the pedestal.

Also by lil_em06

by swimmingstar01

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