A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 193,598,075 Issue: 700 | 25th day of Gathering, Y17
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We found the following 5 result(s) for the keyword admonisher

Week - 472

by admonisher
Description: Look, we match.

Also by supernaturall

Week - 595

by admonisher
Description: Meanwhile, inside of the obelisk...

Week - 598

Battledome Woes
by admonisher
Description: We're going to dominate.

Week - 624

Faerie Magic?
by admonisher
Description: Let's go get healed.

Week - 700

*Hands Cookies*
by admonisher
Description: 700 issues worth of cookies... Yikes

Also by sanamm

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I'd Rather Not...
..face that angry mob outside.

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What a Bad Year to Be a Skeith
*sigh* Maybe next year

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by kikale107


Way to Get Soaked! The Annual Gormball Championship
On the 23rd Day of Gathering, eight athletes took the field to play a fierce game of Gormball for the Fifteenth Annual Gormball Championships. The betting books were in favor of Brian the Scorchio winning this year’s Golden Planet trophy. The Scorchio grinned cheekily when interviewed by reporters.

by iciclefaerie05


The Ski Lodge Mystery: Part One
Deep within Terror Mountain, a young Kougra and Shoyru stood shivering, up against the dangerous slopes and ferocious winds of the uninviting Ice Caves. The Happy Valley lift was curiously broken, leaving the treacherous caverns as the only route to the top. The two travellers trudged through the blizzard, their despair and frustration increasing with each step.

Also by ceara52.

by therainbowsheep


700 Kougras
Bluestar the little baby Kougra had been left with a babysitter. Again. She wasn’t really upset with her owner or her favorite siblings, not at all. She understood that Jessica was working. And the others…

by spirit_wolf589

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