Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 193,598,075 Issue: 700 | 25th day of Gathering, Y17
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We found the following 5 result(s) for the keyword alyndasgallery

Week - 181

15 Things: What Happens When You Don't Get Published
by alyndasgallery
Description: Rejection. Sadly, it happens to most of us who submit their work to the Neopian Times for submission but rest assured if this happens to you, you are definitely not alone.

Week - 233

Mynci Beach Volleyball: the Way to WIN!
by alyndasgallery
Description: I have devised a list of easy to follow tips that are designed with YOU, yes you, in mind. Follow these hints, practice your little heart out and with a little luck the avatar and maybe even a shiny trophy might soon be yours.

Week - 235

Collectable Cards: a Lost Neopian Treasure
by alyndasgallery
Description: Collectable cards are just that - they are cards waiting to be collected! Each card has information and an image of something special to Neopets. These can range from individual people to the latest bands...

Week - 242

10 Things: What to Do With a Tooth of Terask
by alyndasgallery
Description: Neoquest II is a click and play game, which can be enjoyed by users of dialup, broadband and cable alike. It involves you controlling several characters...

Week - 700

Hints & Tips When You're Coming Back to Neopets
by alyndasgallery
Description: ver fourteen years later and I've never left for good though - that's pretty exciting. In that time, I've developed a bit of a strategy to ensure that coming back to Neopets is as painless as possible. Here are some hints & tips that might be useful for you too, as you navigate your way through the site.

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Addressing The White Weewoo Stereotypes
White Weewoos seem like perfectly loyal little creatures that want to do nothing but bring good to all of Neopia… but is that really what they are, or have we tricked ourselves into believing those big, innocent eyes? The White Weewoo’s long standing affiliation with the Neopian Times has caused some untrue stereotypes, and I am here to address them today and set the record straight once and for all, at the risk of the Weewoo’s wrath.

by answered


Neopia's Secret Villains: Part Two
Neopia is filled with hundreds of characters. These characters range from brave heroes to dastardly villains, and everything in between. There’s one problem though – not all villains are recognised as the true villains that they are.

by asparagation


One Hundred Games - Part One
his article (actually, it'll be split into two parts) will go into detail about the first hundred games ever to have been created. A very small number of these games are still playable today, so unless you've been around here for a very long time, this will probably be new.

by azienskieth


Empty Bellies, Empty Pockets: Part 5
Game ratios just aren't what they used to be.

Also by bha288.

by mandypandy667


The Struggles for an Avatar
I hope it pays off...

Idea by: coolnish_azn101

by hikariyugi_yamiatemu

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