Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 193,598,075 Issue: 700 | 25th day of Gathering, Y17
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We found the following 9 result(s) for the keyword azienskieth

Week - 651

The Sway - Alambra's Tale
by azienskieth
Description: Alambra stole a glance at the clock. It was nearing three o'clock, and her cryptography class would be ending soon...

Week - 668

Sunset in Brightvale
by azienskieth
Description: The sun was high, the Weewoos were singing; it was a beautiful day at Brightvale University.

Week - 669

A Farewell to the Random Contest
by azienskieth
Description: On the 29th day of Collecting, in Y6, a new contest was revealed - the Random Contest! This was completely new and revolutionary for Neopians...

Week - 670

Public Reaction: Birthday Week
by azienskieth
Description: November Y16 marks the fifteenth birthday of Neopets as a whole. To celebrate the occasion, there was an entire week of news dedicated to improving the daily life of the everyday Neopian.

Week - 676

From Dawn to Dusk
by azienskieth
Description: The air was hazy as Theodore descended onto the landscape of his favourite planet, Neopia. Where, or perhaps when, he was landing was...

Week - 691

The Definitive Snowglobe Guide
by azienskieth
Description: Ever wonder what it takes to become an expert snow globe collector? No? Well, okay. But if you ever DO, read this book!

Week - 695

You Break It, You Buy It
by roxanna203
Description: He seems so nice, until...

Also by azienskieth

Week - 698

Culinary Confusion
by roxanna203
Description: It's obvi-wait a sec...

Also by azienskieth

Week - 700

One Hundred Games - Part One
by azienskieth
Description: his article (actually, it'll be split into two parts) will go into detail about the first hundred games ever to have been created. A very small number of these games are still playable today, so unless you've been around here for a very long time, this will probably be new.

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The Painted Weewoo and the Maraquan Dillema
“Boss. Boss, something’s happened.”

“What is it, you nitwits?” the shuffling of feathers. A Weewoo in a suit and tie, eliminating evidence of pastry crumbs and red jam. “I’m busy.”

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Chia Catastrophes: Weewoo Shenanigans
This will work!

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Peophins & Unis

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Trouble in Paradise: Celebrations
This is what happens when you are born near a celebrated day.

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Yeah. I'm pretty tough. You probably shouldn't mess with me.

Idea by bear.

by digests

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