Preparing Neopia for the Meepits Circulation: 193,598,075 Issue: 700 | 25th day of Gathering, Y17
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword black_sunset01

Week - 391

by black_sunset01
Description: Kyrii in particular have a profound weakness for apples.

Week - 396

Cheating is For Winners
by black_sunset01
Description: I began my career a few years back, when I was spending some quality time with Brucey B, my mentor. He decided to take me to a real game.

Week - 700

Melting in Moltara
by black_sunset01
Description: The 30th day of Hiding was the hottest day of my life.

My brothers and I had woken up appallingly early, unable to sleep any longer in the unflinching heat of the still-rising sun.

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Low Budget Advertising for the Obelisk War
Starring the Obelisk Factions and... cardboard boxes?

by siuku


The Warrior Princss: The Coronation: Part Five
Terrence grimaced and continued.” Mara is my step-mom. She was always very kind and caring to us. Stephanie and I got along okay and we were a happy family. My dad never saw her betrayal coming, but I suspected something was up when she began to act in a strange manner. She became jumpy and nervous..."

by purplbrooke


Weewoo Training
It's not easy delivering mail.

Art by airismile

by darkroast


Celebrating the Times' 700th issue!

by cherokee165


Look Fierce This 700th
Can you believe they'd show up like that? As if!

Also by leila_lea

by ilovejonulrich

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