Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 193,614,788 Issue: 702 | 9th day of Collecting, Y17
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword katzam

Week - 697

The Secret Lives of Invisible Pets
by katzam
Description: With a little saving you could have your very own invisible pet! However, it’s just possible that when you paint your pet, a little more goes on than you had first expected…

Week - 699

Why Pet Collectors are Wonderful
by katzam
Description: Lots of Neopians collect something or other. Usually it’s something like an enormous number of codestones to train their pet, or perhaps 1,000,000 of their personal favourite item, or even items with a certain theme to put in their gallery. However, not all collectors hoard items – some of them collect pets! This article is dedicated to Neopia’s pet collectors and all the quirks which make them brilliant.

Week - 702

How to Get Your First UC Pet
by katzam
Description: If you weren’t lucky enough to keep an old-style pet after the conversion, or joined the site later than that, how can you hope to own one of these coveted UC pets? In this article I will go through the various ways you can own a UC pet of your own

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A Grey Eyrie Day
A blue Eyrie longingly searches for a paint brush, and finally finds one in the Lost Desert. But will it make him happy?

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Twice as Nice
"He's already read this one," Cleo said, setting the small hardcover copy of Courgette Farming down on the table before plucking out the teabag from her mug. The Vandagyre inspected the satchel's tag for a moment before tossing it into the wastebasket.

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Neokacheeks: Weather
That wasn't the brightest idea, now was it?

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Hungry For Attention? 10 Food Related Backgrounds
It's time to show that you have good taste!

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A Spooky Halloween: Part 1
Pick your own!

by ghostkomorichu

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