Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 193,626,794 Issue: 703 | 16th day of Collecting, Y17
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We found the following 24 result(s) for the keyword lizzy_beth_750551

Week - 617

The Island of Mist: Part One
by lizzy_beth_750551
Description: "ALL HANDS ON DECK!" Logan roared. The Grarrl captain barreled through the middle of the ship, calling orders as he went and preparing what he could himself. The entire crew was preparing for the hurricane heading towards them.

Week - 618

The Island of Mist: Part Two
by lizzy_beth_750551
Description: "That doesn't look much like any temple I've ever seen," Del said, tilting his head to the side at extreme angles. "And I've seen a surprising amount of temples for my age. Are you sure this is the right place?"

Week - 619

The Island of Mist: Part Three
by lizzy_beth_750551
Description: "I found an entrance!" Tarin called down. He had - to no one's surprise - reached the top first. A lifetime of adjusting sails came in handy every now and again.

Week - 620

The Island of Mist: Part Four
by lizzy_beth_750551
Description: In the beginning days, their afternoon training was much the same as their morning training was. But as they became more experienced, they began sparring each other and - much later on in their training - the old wizard himself.

Week - 621

The Island of Mist: Part Five
by lizzy_beth_750551
Description: "This is it," Logan said to Sareece once the cave came into view. "Are you ready?"

Week - 622

The Island of Mist: Part Six
by lizzy_beth_750551
Description: "Stones!" Logan shouted the command. "Now!" Each of them grabbed for their Stones. Focusing on the power inside of them was difficult in such a situation...

Week - 623

The Island of Mist: Part Seven
by lizzy_beth_750551
Description: In his cave home, Tsizhao was picking root vegetables when he felt something like lightning run through him. He jumped to his feet with a start and bolted for the entrance to his cave. Looking up, he saw wisps of purple clouds fading to nothing...

Week - 664

Two Siblings and a Petpet
by lizzy_beth_750551
Description: "You should come with me," he said seriously, his eyes still shining.

Week - 665

The Obsidian Sword: An Unusual Quest - Part One
by lizzy_beth_750551
Description: A cold wind blew in, prickling my skin, and I got the distinct feeling that something... something was about to change.

Week - 666

The Obsidian Sword: An Unusual Quest - Part Two
by lizzy_beth_750551
Description: By the time I reach the castle, the sun has just begun to make its descent.

"Who goes there?" the castle guard demands to know.

Week - 667

The Obsidian Sword: An Unusual Quest - Part Three
by lizzy_beth_750551
Description: She gives a tinkling laugh. "I forget your mortal eyes aren't as strong as ours. Just a moment."

Week - 668

The Obsidian Sword: An Unusual Quest - Part Four
by lizzy_beth_750551
Description: Before I enter the abandoned shack, I circle it twice. Once I'm assured that it is, in fact, abandoned, I allow myself to enter.

Week - 669

The Obsidian Sword: An Unusual Quest
by lizzy_beth_750551
Description: I've gone maybe a quarter mile when I stumble upon an overgrown trail. I almost passed it right by. I would have, if Stephen hadn't smacked me in the head and pointed at it.

Week - 670

The Obsidian Sword: An Unusual Quest - Part Six
by lizzy_beth_750551
Description: The next morning, I pack my bags and take Flintley's journal in hand. When my search for the farmer yields nothing, I step outside the house and shield my eyes.

Week - 671

The Obsidian Sword: An Unusual Quest - Part Seven
by lizzy_beth_750551
Description: "We were just traveling, and in need of shelter." I give him a minimal description of our journey. I don't want to give too much away...

Week - 672

The Obsidian Sword: An Unusual Quest - Part Eight
by lizzy_beth_750551
Description: "SHOW YOURSELF!" I yell into the dark. "YOU COWARD!"

Week - 673

The Obsidian Sword: An Unusual Quest - Part Nine
by lizzy_beth_750551
Description: I watch as Stephen's obsidian duplicate looks on at my reflection. He looks as if every bad thing I've ever thought about myself, every doubtful word I've ever spoken, he believes.

Week - 674

The Obsidian Sword: An Unusual Quest - Part Ten
by lizzy_beth_750551
Description: Did I do that? Did I really just do that? I place my hands on my knees, lean on them, and laugh with joy. Stephen and I grin at each other.

Week - 675

The Air Faerie Makes Emerson At Home
by lizzy_beth_750551
Description: One day in a beautiful park, a young Green Poogle walked along sadly. She sniffled, for she had just moved from Mystery Island, and the weather was all wrong in this new place.

Week - 699

The Sisterhood of Terra and Phee: Part One
by lizzy_beth_750551
Description: My name is Phee, and I'm a Faerie Peophin. My birth name is Phoebe, technically. Or at least, that's what my sister tells me. I don't remember what I was named, because I barely remember our owner -- our mom.

Week - 700

The Sisterhood of Terra and Phee: Part Two
by lizzy_beth_750551
Description: "All right, everyone! Single file! Stay with your groups, please. Terra, Phoebe, that means you two as well," the Pink Uni says. We obey, separating into our age groups, but it is from a desire to behave, not out of any kind of fear of punishment. Her voice, while firm, is far too cheerful to be truly terrifying.

Week - 701

The Sisterhood of Terra and Phee: Part Three
by lizzy_beth_750551
Description: "Terra!" The Pink Uni calls her name so enthusastically, it's almost frantic. I couldn't discern what else she said. It was too low for my still-dreaming brain. It was too fast. We were just waking up when she came in. It's a Tuesday. When we passed the menu board last night at supper, I noticed when I looked under 'Tuesday's Meals!' that we weren't having tacos. I should have known right then.

Week - 702

The Sisterhood of Terra and Phee: Part Four
by lizzy_beth_750551
Description: "Terra," the Pink Uni says the next day. Her face is the closest I've ever seen it to being sad. "He's back again." She knows, of course, what Terra will say. The same thing she said the last two times the boy showed up.

Week - 703

The Sisterhood of Terra and Phee: Part Fve
by lizzy_beth_750551
Description: After I say goodbye to Lana, who has been talking with a prospective owner the past few days -- a scholar, I believe -- I write a neomail to Tricia and update her. She was adopted two months ago by a similarly shy and incredibly sweet girl with two other pets who Tricia seemed to love immediately. Then I say goodbye to Bert, who has become a more or less a friendly presence to me since I stood up to him shortly after Terra left. Then it was time to say goodbye to everything else.

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* * *
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