Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 193,626,794 Issue: 703 | 16th day of Collecting, Y17
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We found the following 9 result(s) for the keyword sampleneopian

Week - 662

Cocoa Beans
by sampleneopian
Description: The clearest incident he could remember was when he first put a handful of chocolate in his mouth as his owner giggled and asked for his opinion.

Week - 686

Balthazar's Silhouette
by sampleneopian
Description: The other side of the faerie hunter isn't what it seems...

Week - 692

Destiny: Part One
by sampleneopian
Description: Gargantuan, guiltless, glistening.

Silvery, spiky, shining.

Nightmarish, nasty... knives.

For as long as he could remember, Elmist had been troubled by them, no question about it.

Week - 693

Destiny: Part Two
by sampleneopian
Description: Most people with Talent are content to spend their lives perfecting their skills. Some, however, would have finished doing so at some point in their lives and would only be too happy to demonstrate the extent of their powers. But fewer yet are people who actually manage to learn a new skill. Zaldron was one of these lucky few.

Week - 694

Destiny: Part Three
by sampleneopian
Description: The wailing alarm made Elmist’s heart beat faster, if that was even possible. He thought his ribcage would break any time. Zaldron was so weak that she needed Drake to support her as they rushed down the stairs of the Brightvale castle. “Easy,” he soothed from the bottom of his heart. “I know you can do it.”

Week - 700

On The Revolution of Heavenly Spears: Part One
by sampleneopian
Description: Normally, after Ryshu the Nimmo entered the school’s wooden doors half an hour before the official opening time, he would meditate privately in the tranquillity of dawn, closing his eyes and slowly taking in the fresh breezes that rolled in through the window, pausing every so often to change his current position. As an instructor, this was something expected of him; appreciating silence, after all, did help boost one’s endurance.

Week - 701

On The Revolution of Heavenly Spears: Part Two
by sampleneopian
Description: When Ryshu entered the school the next day, he had absolutely no idea what to expect. He had a few theories, though none of them were concrete: first, that the Master wouldn’t be there to welcome him, and second, that he was expected to be in the same room as the one he was in the day before.

Week - 702

On The Revolution of Heavenly Spears: Part Three
by sampleneopian
Description: On the third day, Ryshu found a Maraquan Acara in the room. This time, he definitely didn’t recognise her. He knew that with certainty... or did he?

Week - 703

On The Revolution of Heavenly Spears: Part Four
by sampleneopian
Description: …because it never stopped.

The incessant clanging rang mercilessly into Ryshu’s ear. The incessant clanging rang mercilessly into Ryshu’s ears, forcing the poor Nimmo out of sleep with its painful volume. Eyes snapping open, he absent-mindedly stumbled out of bed in a zombie-like state, his head still stubbornly thick as solid rock and his body still drenched in ice-cold sweat.

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