Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 194,767,701 Issue: 710 | 11th day of Celebrating, Y17
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We found the following 11 result(s) for the keyword yuri445

Week - 425

Spotlight on Y11
by yuri445
Description: It's important to look back to the memories we've all shared throughout Year 11.

Also by babagabadoosh

Week - 436

An Alternative to the Giant Omelette and Jelly
by yuri445
Description: If you are tired of feeding your Neopets the same old meals every day, then you have found the best guide...

Week - 442

Blumaroos, Great or Greatest?
by yuri445
Description: The advantages of owning a Blumaroo are many.

Also by candyrabi

Week - 478

Spotlight on Y12
by yuri445
Description: To close off Y12 in style, join us as we recap some of the most memorable events on the site.

Also by lovagees

Week - 530

Spotlight on Y13
by yuri445
Description: Here is a recap of what we think are the most important events that happened Y13.

Also by babagabadoosh

Week - 625

Holiday Customizations Around Neopia
by yuri445
Description: Neopets from all over Neopia are dressed in their holiday best to celebrate the season.

Also by greyfever

Week - 647

An Interview with Carassa and Mika
by yuri445
Description: Carassa and Mika are two Chias who have lived on Terror Mountain for many years.

Also by babagabadoosh

Week - 665

Autumn Fashion
by yuri445
Description: Fall is upon us again.

Also by greyfever

Week - 705

Halloween Customization
by yuri445
Description: Halloween is almost upon us here in Neopia and all the witches, ghouls, and monsters will be coming out to play soon. To celebrate this spooky festivities, we've come up with six different looks for you to dress your Neopets for the special occasion.

Also by Greyfever

Week - 709

Preparing for the Month of Celebration
by yuri445
Description: You will need a few things to get into the mood for next month's celebrations. It's time to dust of your Christmas tree in the back of the closet, get out all your Christmas ornaments, untangle your Christmas lights and garlands, and start thinking of all the gifts you'll be giving your loved ones. I know it is a little bit early for the month of celebration, but if you love it as much as I do, here are a few things you can do to start the best month of the year.

Week - 710

Preparing for the Month of Celebration, Part 2
by yuri445
Description: It's almost time for holiday cheer, shopping, cards, parties, and sweets. Holiday food is something that can't be overlooked. It is in a class on its own. When it comes to food, Christmas is one of the holidays that can't be beat. From the month-watering turkey and vegetables to the scrumptious sweets and drinks, the food choices are almost infinite.

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Tis The Season
Heather was a frustrated writer. She was shot down twelve times by the Neopian Times, each with saying they had to many good stories this week, or her story wasn't quite what they were looking for. She smiled bitterly down at three pages with messy scrawl. Why couldn't they just tell her the truth? She was an awful writer.

by indigo_sky_22


Adventure Again?
Don't you dare press that button!

by _clement_


It’s Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas
It’s Christmas in Neopia and you can feel the excitement in the air. Shops are stocking seasonal goodies, pets are bundling up in their finest seasonal wear, and people are excitedly visiting the advent calendar. It truly is Christmas in Neopia.

by katehoughtonbeckett


Duplicity: Part One
Jeran sat slumped over the throne. Before him, Meridellians and Darigans commemorated the fifth year of peace since the war, a peace that would last a thousand years. They spoke and danced under azure faerie light, alongside the finest music Meridell had to offer. Odors of baked goods, exotic fruits, and well-done meats saturated the air.

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A Trip to the Woods
Lightwater Forest was true to its name: light and airy with widely spaced trees that had tall straight trunks and a sparkling stream that wound its way through the forest. It was unusually warm for a late autumn day, with a brisk breeze rushing through the canopy, occasionally sending a shower of red and gold leaves spiraling to the ground. It was one of the most beautiful places in Neopia. At least, Gracy certainly thought so.

by 77thbigby

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