Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 193,743,981 Issue: 711 | 18th day of Celebrating, Y17
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We found the following 4 result(s) for the keyword alexatina

Week - 704

Normal is Boring
by alexatina
Description: Meet the Family!

Week - 707

Normal is Boring #3 - Part 1
by alexatina
Description: The first of a two part adventure!

Week - 708

Normal is Boring #3 - Part 2
by alexatina
Description: The last of a two part adventure!

Week - 711

Normal is Boring
by alexatina
Description: We go fishing!

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A Meewoo Party - Part 2
Told ya.

Idea by kadfisch

by evilone712_27


Real Life Avatars: Evil Fuzzle
It IS kind of silly when you really think about it...

by bearwife


A Guide to Merriment for Neopia's Grinches
It is a time to celebrate our pets, Neofriends, and everything worth being joyful for, but what about those who do not care much for the joys of life? How does one cope with the holidays when they do not care about- well, anything, really? I am here to (begrudgingly) help you pretend to care about the holiday season.

by xxsicklullabiesxx


Room with a View
No complaints about THIS view...

Also by tkprtyrhd

by msjanny


Your Favourite Faerie: What Does It Say About You?
You may be hard pressed to find a person on Neopets who doesn`t have at least one favourite faerie. From light to dark, valiant and mischievous, kind and evil, there are faerie characters to fit any personality. What does your choice of favourite faerie say about you? How does it reflect on your personality and interests? Read on to find out!

by aleu1986

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