The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 193,800,643 Issue: 715 | 15th day of Sleeping, Y18
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We found the following 2 result(s) for the keyword fhn_ladybug

Week - 668

Professor Pachino's Pet Peeves
by fhn_ladybug
Description: I am Professor Pachino, a skunk Eyrie, and I teach history here at BVU. I have come up with a list of top things that I hope I never hear from a student's mouth again.

Week - 715

As the Wheels Turn
by fhn_ladybug
Description: Have you ever wondered what exactly it is that powers the wheels of Neopia? For example, where does the Wheel of Excitement get all those Neopoints? How do the wheels get the power to inflict illnesses? And most important of all, what is it that keeps the Wheel of Monotony spinning for so long?

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Bottled Faeries Inc.: Part Three
I had never found the dark scary as a young child. I had never trembled in bed at night, conjuring up imaginary monsters that purportedly lurked beneath my bed, behind my dresser, and inside my closet. But after the Kougra thrust my bottle into the depths of his backpack, I felt a jolt of fear unlike anything I had ever experienced before.

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What Ever Happened to Galem Darkhand? - Part 1
The mystery of the Ice Caves plot . . .

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Beneath the Haunted Woods: Part Five
“I thought I heard something, like some kind of faint howling. You don’t think there are werelupes down here do you?” She turned to face her brother.

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A SCIENTIFIC Look at Conspiracies and Mysteries
I, DOC, will be your humble guide to the eldritch realms of the strange and bizarre... FOR SCIENCE!

by homsar_eggplant

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