Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 193,831,355 Issue: 717 | 29th day of Sleeping, Y18
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We found the following 4 result(s) for the keyword certifiabletrash

Week - 714

by certifiabletrash
Description: What do you mean it's a cheap trick to break the fourth wall?

Also by meowbey

Week - 715

The NT's Best Secret -- Until Today!
by certifiabletrash
Description: Country music and Aishas -- 100% guaranteed to tip the scale in your favor!

Also by minnesotan

Week - 716

A Good Run for the Money
by certifiabletrash
Description: The hand doesn't give, but it does take.

Also by cloudypoogle

Week - 717

Current Weather
by certifiabletrash
Description: A hairy situation.

Also by blonde_and_lovin_it2

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Zapped and Pounded
I looked around my cage. There was no way to tell if it was day or night, not in this dark, windowless space. The only furnishings the room held was a small cot and a sink in the corner. My food and water bowls were empty, not that they were very full to start with. Three stone walls surrounded me, my only connection to the outside world being through the rusty bars of the cage.

by light_faerie382


Duplicity: Part Eight
“You have already violated the common law once, Jeran, and however good your intentions may be, there will be dire consequences if you decide to do it again. We will not allow it.”

by likelife96


Heavy Metal
A Mote. A particle, or speck of dust. A tiny, inconsequential amount of something, usually pictured floating off to nowhere. A little bit of somethingness to punctuate the nothingness. This might be what always made me uneasy, when I thought of motes - that emphasis of space. At least, I think it was; before that day, when I started thinking something else.

by placebo_533


Woes of a Labbed Bruce
The average Bruce is 80 cm tall

by ketchup547


Jhudora's Back!
Her true evil scheme.

Also by Krispykritter6

by dutchese159

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