Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 193,831,355 Issue: 717 | 29th day of Sleeping, Y18
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We found the following 2 result(s) for the keyword elementdragongirl

Week - 542

Lazy Yet Creative Ways to Get Rich
by elementdragongirl
Description: Just follow the steps in this guide exactly and I promise you'll be a millionaire in no time!

Week - 717

Ecstatic, Erratic, and Manic: Dueling Decks
by elementdragongirl
Description: I mean, she has a point.

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Woes of a Labbed Bruce
The average Bruce is 80 cm tall

by ketchup547


Cleaning Up Neopia, One Avatar Attempt at a Time
The Rubbish Avatar. It was released nearly 4 years ago on February 9, Y14. Yes, 4 years ago, and it is still uncommon to see it apart of someone’s avatar count. It’s one of those stubborn avatars. It’s a random avatar that has Neopians everywhere feeling frustrated.

by whssoftball11


Y17 In Colour
Another year has gone by, and Y17 certainly gave us a lot of nice Neopet colours. It saw the release of a brand new Paint Brush, and most Neopet species were treated to two lovely new colours at the Rainbow Pool. Looking back through the entire year, at all the new colours, I have chosen my favourites from each month.

by aleu1986


In Color
I’ve known Dagny our entire lives. She grew up in the underground Bori tunnels in Terror Mountain. From the very beginning, she was different. Artistic, intelligent and optimistic, she was the complete opposite of every other Bori. It never bothered her that she had no Bori friends, but she did have me. et me explain that I am not her Petpet. My name is Erna and I am Dagny’s imaginary friend.

by 77thbigby


Adopting A New Species Is Hard...
Whoops, nevermind.

by blueberrymuffinpops

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