Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 193,831,355 Issue: 717 | 29th day of Sleeping, Y18
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We found the following 8 result(s) for the keyword opossumman

Week - 644

Life's A Stage
by opossumman
Description: He brushed off his sweat-covered brow with his paw and adjusted his goggles. "There, that should do it..."

Week - 668

Returning to Brightvale University
by opossumman
Description: "It's from Brightvale University... I did my graduate studies there," Jacob explained.

Week - 674

A Not-So-Stealthy Christmas Tale
by opossumman
Description: The clerk looked at the ID. "Well, when you contacted us and claimed you were an Eyrie named Stealth, I figured you would have been, well, Stealthy, and not Silver."

Week - 676

Of Time Machines and Banana Cookies
by opossumman
Description: "I didn't want to get your hopes up if it didn't work. Time travel's already a proven concept, it's just incredibly hard to pull off."

Week - 677

Two Moltarans Walk Into a Lodge...
by opossumman
Description: "And whatever you do, don't use the swimming pool."

Week - 700

The Purpose of the Press
by opossumman
Description: The door to Professor Lambert’s chambers creaked open. The Gnorbu looked up from his daily reading and twitched his ear. “Ah, you must be Jacob, come right this way!” he said, motioning to the seat in front of his desk. “Now, I have your file pulled out already. I gave it a read over my lunch break, I hope you don’t mind. Your résumé is very impressive indeed.”

Week - 715

Agent 42
by opossumman
Description: Jacob flicked the switch on the coal-sorter and waited on baited breath. This would be the one, surely. The Christmas Kacheek had spent far too many hours on the device for it to backfire again. Slowly one steam-powered rotor began to turn and moved the coal from one pile into its internal furnace. It worked just as planned: a breakthrough, in his eyes.

Week - 717

Celebrating Kacheek Day as a Newly-Morphed Kacheek
by opossumman
Description: For Kacheeks all around Neopia, this means a day of mirth and merriment in celebration of our species’ long and storied history. For some of us, however, this day can be quite confusing as well. This is because some Kacheeks, such as myself, were not born as Kacheeks, but ended up becoming one for some reason or another.

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Current Weather
A hairy situation.

Also by blonde_and_lovin_it2

by certifiabletrash


More Of Your Neopets Neuroses!
There's certainly no lack of neuroses around here. Although my first article was chock full of our quirks and idiosyncrasies, it still took me a mere hour to collect a brand new batch of neuroses for this second article! I canvassed the Neoboards, asking my fellow players what their neuroses are. I got many interesting replies!

by indulgences


Y17 In Colour
Another year has gone by, and Y17 certainly gave us a lot of nice Neopet colours. It saw the release of a brand new Paint Brush, and most Neopet species were treated to two lovely new colours at the Rainbow Pool. Looking back through the entire year, at all the new colours, I have chosen my favourites from each month.

by aleu1986


Ecstatic, Erratic, and Manic: Dueling Decks
I mean, she has a point.

by elementdragongirl


Cleaning Up Neopia, One Avatar Attempt at a Time
The Rubbish Avatar. It was released nearly 4 years ago on February 9, Y14. Yes, 4 years ago, and it is still uncommon to see it apart of someone’s avatar count. It’s one of those stubborn avatars. It’s a random avatar that has Neopians everywhere feeling frustrated.

by whssoftball11

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