Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 193,843,975 Issue: 718 | 5th day of Awakening, Y18
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword piratevam

Week - 439

Mega Monotony
by piratevam
Description: *click... click...*

Week - 490

The Protest
by piratevam
Description: No more bashing.

Week - 718

Dungeon Games
by piratevam
Description: Not the most welcoming setting.

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The Deserted Fairground's Top 10 Spooky Foods
The Deserted Fairground is not the most popular tourist destination in Neopia, especially not for its cuisine. Spooky Foods is a small tattered Pink stall ran by a rather spooky looking Bruce, but don’t let that fool you as this is home to some of the best delicacies available in all of Neopia, as long as you’re not too squeamish and willing to try a variety of different foods which don’t exactly look that mouth-watering.

by princess__neo277


Never Again, Spiced Apple Pie: Part Two
Commander Hyren knew he at least couldn’t secure the base from here. Suppressing a moan, he moved for the door and it slid open to reveal a darkened, deserted hallway. If engineering wasn’t going to answer, he’d just have to go to them himself.

by cosmicfire918


Usuki Singing Stars #29: Sparkles Be Not Proud
“Scary! Look! Look! Look!” Sparkles chanted, rushing into the living room. The pink Bruce eagerly waved an envelope over her head. “Look at what I got in the mail today!!!” she gasped. “Don’t tell me you actually got fan mail,” Scary groaned. The purple Bruce flipped through her fashion magazine, not bothering to look up. “Or is it another NT rejection letter?”

by downrightdude


Chronicles of a Caped Crusader: Days Yet to Pass: Part One
Chloe breathed deeply the morning air as she closed the front door behind herself. It was a glorious late spring morning and the air was fragrant and warm, with just a slight tinge of humidity. She walked down the front path to the sidewalk. As she reached the final step, she was cut off by one her sisters hopping through the shrubs lining the walkway.

by kristykimmy


A Treat
What happens when King Altador runs out of gifts...

by cherokee165

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