Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 193,843,975 Issue: 718 | 5th day of Awakening, Y18
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by catanator500

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Past Experience: Jellybeans
The true face of jellybeans.

by scribblecop


Eclectic Antics: Save the Chocolates, Part II
But the real question is: can you really use a frying pan as a weapon?

by amarettoball


Tough Competition

Also by alyndasgallery

by brooklyn3223


Usuki Singing Stars #29: Sparkles Be Not Proud
“Scary! Look! Look! Look!” Sparkles chanted, rushing into the living room. The pink Bruce eagerly waved an envelope over her head. “Look at what I got in the mail today!!!” she gasped. “Don’t tell me you actually got fan mail,” Scary groaned. The purple Bruce flipped through her fashion magazine, not bothering to look up. “Or is it another NT rejection letter?”

by downrightdude

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