Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 193,882,546 Issue: 720 | 18th day of Awakening, Y18
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We found the following 1 result(s) for the keyword waterbird333

Week - 720

Beauty Contest Blues
by waterbird333
Description: "Um... I think the Beauty Contest avatar was released."

Also by parody_ham

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Tapping into the Super Job Market
You’ve seen them, those jobs advertising payments of 30,000 Neopoints a piece or higher. Sounds tempting, right? The most they’re posting for Basic Jobs is 10,000 NP, and you have to hope the items are cheap on the Shop Wizard, and if they are, you have to apply against hundreds of other applicants vying for the same job. So Super Jobs sound like a steal! All you need is to find the right coloured job coupon, and massive profits are yours!

by e102__gamma


Bon Voyage: A Valid Proposal to Boost Neo-Tourism
The Neolodge proudly advertises itself as “Neopia’s No. 1 Holiday Accommodation”, and that may undoubtedly be the case…if you happen to be in Neopia Central. With 18 other lands around Neopia (and 17 of them being fully active), it would only make sense to have some – if not all – of the other lands provide visitors and tourists with shelter, a temporary “home away from home”.

by peacelovebliss


A Thief's Life - Sidekicks
Some just aren't cut out for the job.

by yoshisislandbandit


Super Attack Pea Perspective
It's different for everyone.

Also by tedypicker

by sophieauditore


Chronicles of a Caped Crusader: Days Yet to Pass: Part Three
They all turned to look at the speaker. It was Buzz. He filled up the door frame, looking taller than Chloe remembered him being. Granted, she'd only once seen him out from behind his desk, but it was still surprising. He was wearing crimson body armor, Virtupets style. Chloe's heart leapt into her throat, the armor was very reminiscent of a different Lupe she was acquainted with stories about.

by kristykimmy

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