The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 193,882,546 Issue: 720 | 18th day of Awakening, Y18
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Shopping For Clothes

by saudadesdagripe

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Beauty Contest Blues
"Um... I think the Beauty Contest avatar was released."

Also by parody_ham

by waterbird333


Just a Rumor
They'd all heard the rumors. She had heard them, too. Rumors that seemed to surround one of the many, many occupants who had taken up residence in the Haunted Woods. Granted, the stories were not as wide spread as ones centered around beings like The Brain Tree, The Esophagor and even Eliv Thade. But they still existed.

by velvetcrowe


Only On Neopets! - Part 2
Neopets is truly the only game site where people sometimes loathe the games, but play them anyway! Sometimes, they're after trophies. Sometimes, they're after avatars. I think it's amusing that the avatar and trophy collectors spend upwards of 100 hours trying to master an exasperating game in order to reach a score that will end up on that game's high score list. Only a Neopian would spend 100 hours on a game that he or she hates!

by indulgences


Tea Time: Carrot Goodness
Are you sure you want to eat those?

by actinia

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