A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 193,938,194 Issue: 724 | 18th day of Running, Y18
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We found the following 14 result(s) for the keyword yuri445

Week - 425

Spotlight on Y11
by yuri445
Description: It's important to look back to the memories we've all shared throughout Year 11.

Also by babagabadoosh

Week - 436

An Alternative to the Giant Omelette and Jelly
by yuri445
Description: If you are tired of feeding your Neopets the same old meals every day, then you have found the best guide...

Week - 442

Blumaroos, Great or Greatest?
by yuri445
Description: The advantages of owning a Blumaroo are many.

Also by candyrabi

Week - 478

Spotlight on Y12
by yuri445
Description: To close off Y12 in style, join us as we recap some of the most memorable events on the site.

Also by lovagees

Week - 530

Spotlight on Y13
by yuri445
Description: Here is a recap of what we think are the most important events that happened Y13.

Also by babagabadoosh

Week - 625

Holiday Customizations Around Neopia
by yuri445
Description: Neopets from all over Neopia are dressed in their holiday best to celebrate the season.

Also by greyfever

Week - 647

An Interview with Carassa and Mika
by yuri445
Description: Carassa and Mika are two Chias who have lived on Terror Mountain for many years.

Also by babagabadoosh

Week - 665

Autumn Fashion
by yuri445
Description: Fall is upon us again.

Also by greyfever

Week - 705

Halloween Customization
by yuri445
Description: Halloween is almost upon us here in Neopia and all the witches, ghouls, and monsters will be coming out to play soon. To celebrate this spooky festivities, we've come up with six different looks for you to dress your Neopets for the special occasion.

Also by Greyfever

Week - 709

Preparing for the Month of Celebration
by yuri445
Description: You will need a few things to get into the mood for next month's celebrations. It's time to dust of your Christmas tree in the back of the closet, get out all your Christmas ornaments, untangle your Christmas lights and garlands, and start thinking of all the gifts you'll be giving your loved ones. I know it is a little bit early for the month of celebration, but if you love it as much as I do, here are a few things you can do to start the best month of the year.

Week - 710

Preparing for the Month of Celebration, Part 2
by yuri445
Description: It's almost time for holiday cheer, shopping, cards, parties, and sweets. Holiday food is something that can't be overlooked. It is in a class on its own. When it comes to food, Christmas is one of the holidays that can't be beat. From the month-watering turkey and vegetables to the scrumptious sweets and drinks, the food choices are almost infinite.

Week - 711

Holiday Looks Step By Step
by yuri445
Description: By showing you how we customize our lovely pets from conception to the final look for the holidays during the month of giving, we hope to give you some ideas on how to customize if you aren't sure of where to start. We have all neopoints and all neocash customizations for you to choose from.

Also by Greyfever

Week - 712

Looking Great for Holiday Cooking
by yuri445
Description: Whiles there is a lot going on it doesn't mean that you should look stressed or haggard because you're in the kitchen all day cooking for everyone. Food is a major part of the Christmas holiday and making your treasured neopets look their best is essential. Looking fantastic in any situation would make you feel your best any time of day.

Also written by Greyfever

Week - 724

Neopian Zombie Apocalypse: Where to Hide
by yuri445
Description: Have you ever thought of what you and your neopets would do if there happen to a zombie apocalypse here in Neopia? Well, think no more. I have come up with some places I think would be perfect for a long hideout in case zombies attack.

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Unbreakable Bonds
Even back in Year 4, Neopia Central was a busy place.

Bustling crowds of shoppers hurried from one store to the next with their Neopets, or stopped to eat, or unfolded that week’s copy of the Neopian Times to read the conclusion to their favourite series.

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Neoquest Insanity: Prep 101
Game face, bro.

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10 Things To Do When You’ve Hit A Neo-Wall
I think everyone has hit that point in their time on Neopts when they log on and utter 'I have nothing to do on Neo..'. It's mid-month when trophies are harder, you have 3 dream pets and a lab rat, and a vast majority of avatars. WHAT DO YOU DO?

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Life As Kad: Sleeping II
Seems like he had a big day.

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Faerie Quests
Fyora's quest is to finally get eyeliner on both her eyes ;-)

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