Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 193,924,599 Issue: 725 | 25th day of Running, Y18
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We found the following 5 result(s) for the keyword shadowlugia_92

Week - 720

Orvinn the First Rate
by shadowlugia_92
Description: Poor choices mate.

Also by murillion.

Week - 721

Gaining a Level in NeoQuest
by shadowlugia_92
Description: How about not so loud next time?

Also by murillion

Week - 722

Why Kads Pend Forever
by shadowlugia_92

Also by murillion

Week - 723

Too Many Collars
by murillion
Description: Uhh, he did it?

Also by shadowlugia_92.

Week - 725

Why Kads Pend Forever -- Epilogue
by shadowlugia_92
Description: What are they so upset for?

Also by murillion.

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Celebrating the Cheerful Chomby
During Year 3, on March 22nd, one of my favorite pets came to Neopia - a very special little dinosaur called the Chomby! Hailing from the far land of Tyrannia, and being incredibly rare to create, have led the Chomby to only be Neopia’s 49th most popular pet.

by tgrcheergrl


Usuki Singing Stars #32: Aubri Gets Glasses
“Hey did you guys hear the news?” asked a blue Zafara. Scary shook her head. “No I haven’t Zafara-I-have-never-talked-to-before,” scoffed the purple Bruce. She tapped her fingernails on her desk.

by downrightdude


My Usukicon Outfit
I think it looks faboo!

by toffeedatepudding


Temporary Relief: Suggestions for Your Sick Neopet
Trips to the Healing Springs and purchasing the remedy to your ‘Pet’s illness from the Pharmacy or other users’ shops are proven to be 100 percent effective, but what could you do with your (insert species of your sick ‘Pet) when it seems like the rest of Neopia knows of their less-than-ideal health?

by peacelovebliss


A Green Celebration of Spring
When my Neogarden becomes a profusion of bright yellow daffodils and the sweet perfume of Blossoms fills the air, I know spring has arrived. It brings with it nature’s affirmation and the promise of bright days ahead.

by binky1260

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