There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 193,997,709 Issue: 731 | 6th day of Hunting, Y18
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We found the following 10 result(s) for the keyword _brainchild_

Week - 695

Peril in Brightvale's Beryl Meadows
by _brainchild_
Description: The sisters treaded through lush green meadows, enjoying the vibrant voices of the birds as they approached their new home in Brightvale. The comforting breeze loosened leaves from their branches and danced upon the ladies' skin. Their hair twirled in the wind, reflecting bright sunshine. The grass was slightly dewy from the previous night's rainfall. When they reached their beautiful abode, they gazed in awe at its contents.

Week - 696

Neopia's Top Grundo Day Commodities
by _brainchild_
Description: Around Grundo Day, many Neopians are at a loss when trying to decide how to celebrate. There are hundreds of wonderful Grundo items to choose from, each one seeming as promising as the next. Therefore, I have provided my recommendations for the best Grundo items, in my opinion.

Week - 697

A Dazzling Draik's Dilemma
by _brainchild_
Description: Flor continued to grumble as the three ventured through summery scenes. Eventually they reached the Trading Post. "I'm parched!" whined Flor. "I need something, anything to drink!" Then she spotted the Pink Draik Morphing Potion. She grabbed the glass bottle and chugged it. Christine and Nadaba gazed at her in horror. "Flor," started Christine incredulously, "did you even pay attention to what you just drank?"

Week - 698

Doughnutfruits: The Techo's Tantalizing Treats
by _brainchild_
Description: As Techo day approaches, the minds of Neopians everywhere turn to famous Techos across the globe, such as the Techo Master, Dr. Death, and that crazy Techo Fanatic who pierces everyone's poor eardrums at the Altador Cup. However, one Techo often overlooked is the Tropical Foods shopkeeper on Mystery Island.

Week - 699

Perfectly Posh Poogle Outfits
by _brainchild_
Description: As Poogle Day approaches, many Neopians are at a loss about which wearables they should choose for their Poogles. Fear not, because there are several Poogle-specific outfits that would look fantastic on any Poogle. These clothing pieces can be purchased at the Clothing Shop in Neopia Central or by using the Shop Wizard. Here are my recommendations.

Week - 700

Curious Creatures: Lab Ray Only Petpets
by _brainchild_
Description: If you have access to the Petpet Laboratory (which can only be visited after completing the Secret Laboratory Map), then you have probably encountered a myriad of unique petpets formed by the mysterious light over the course of your zapping excursions. However, you might not have seen the ones that are specific to the Lab Ray only.

Week - 702

The Potion Predicament
by _brainchild_
Description: With a smile, Snazztacular the Purple Lupe poured Sloth Spaghetti onto the plate of yet another Grundo at the Virtupets Space Station. A gigantic line had formed outside Grundo's Cafe, every one of the clients eager for a delicious meal. Snazz was in fact doing volunteer work; the profits from the food sales were going to charity.

Week - 703

The New Restocking System Explained
by _brainchild_
Description: Shops used to keep the same old junk in stock forever, taking up the four rows so nothing good could restock. Therefore, people would spend their hard-earned Neopoints on garbage to deliberately make space so good items could stock. This was deemed a problem, and the auto-clear system was born.

Week - 730

Purveyor of Precious Toys: The Toy Shopkeeper
by _brainchild_
Description: As Lupe Day approaches, the minds of Neopians across the globe turn to famous Lupes that have contributed to our world. In honor of this holiday, my Purple Lupe named Snazztacular and I decided to interview a famous Lupe: the shopkeeper of the Toy Store in Neopia Central.

Week - 731

A Beautiful Blumaroo and her Mystical Treasure
by _brainchild_
Description: Tiv stepped into the fountain and grinned as the wondrous waters swirled around her. Rainbows danced across her skin as it changed color. However, something wasn't quite right. When the process was over, Tiv was horrified to find that she had been painted Maractite, not Maraquan.

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So You Want To Be A Villain?
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The Neopian Cookbook: Health Food Edition
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