Meow Circulation: 194,077,254 Issue: 737 | 17th day of Relaxing, Y18
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We found the following 13 result(s) for the keyword geniusbulb

Week - 583

The Light Faerie and the Kacheek
by geniusbulb
Description: Once upon a time, there was a Light Faerie who fell from the sky.

Week - 588

by geniusbulb
Description: One day I came home to find my owner crying.

Week - 591

Wings and Water
by geniusbulb
Description: My sisters were triplets.

Week - 600

Chiaroscuro: Part One
by geniusbulb
Description: Moltara has a shop that sells nothing but fantastic lights. Wonderful lamps. Extraordinary lanterns! But nothing I can afford. I'm a de-tinkerer; I make my living taking things apart...

Week - 601

Chiaroscuro: Part Two
by geniusbulb
Description: She runs into the alleyway and comes back out with bundles of papers. The paper on top is covered with ash, but I can still see it: a painting of a brass lantern. The yellow painted glow seems almost to light up the room.

Week - 602

Chiaroscuro: Part Three
by geniusbulb
Description: I sigh. Darkness is a constant here. Like magma and ash.

Week - 608

The Apple
by geniusbulb
Description: "This," she said proudly, "is an Everlasting Apple; you can eat as much of it as you want and it'll never run out. Our food problems are solved!"

Week - 617

Dust and Empty Space
by geniusbulb
Description: We live in Neopia Central in a house with bright blue walls. It is a good house, with lots of space inside; it's a shame that it's so empty.

Week - 618

by geniusbulb
Description: We're definitely getting bags and bags of candy this Halloween.

Week - 660

by geniusbulb
Description: They are sending her away now, the Nimmo who was just zapped Purple. The name she has is barely a name: it's a long string of consonants...

Week - 664

by geniusbulb
Description: My sister Wonderwand is collecting tea. Yes. You read that correctly. Tea. Of all the things in Neopia to collect.

Week - 665

Perdia's Garden
by geniusbulb
Description: Our destination is the Soup Kitchen. We reach the cauldron-shaped building in good time. There's a long line as always...

Week - 737

Lost and Found Again
by geniusbulb
Description: So she got out. She did not know where she was. Her wings, thankfully, still worked, and after she’d flown up a little distance, she could see that she was just outside the w

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