Preparing Neopia for the Meepits Circulation: 194,151,536 Issue: 742 | 29th day of Swimming, Y18
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword jetaketa

Week - 295

Taking Care of Your Walking Carpet
by jetaketa
Description: Brush him down every five to ten minutes, just to be extra safe. Make sure you get behind his horns, or he'll "Raaawwwwwrooooorggggh!" until the sun comes up.

Week - 740

Mystery Island Essential Vacation Guide
by jetaketa
Description: Summer is here and it's time for a vacation!! Let's run off the Mystery Island for an adventure!

Week - 742

Running A Successful Bakery
by jetaketa
Description: A Neopian guide to running the perfect bakery and sweets shop!

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The Lab Ray Fear
Was it something I said?

by goldensif


The Missing Puzzle Piece
Vladdee the red Shoyru was having the most fantastic day ever! Today, completely out of the blue, his owner decided to give him a gift. This in and of itself is cause for celebration, but when he opened the wrapping paper to see what was inside, he became speechless.

by redlittlebluebird


You've Been On Neopets Too Long When...
I'm a squirrel

Also by xweetok_lovin_girl.

by sophieauditore


Imperial Exam Shenanigans

Also by xxxfenice_neraxxx

by oxbridge_united


Erin’s Extreme Avatar Guide: Destruct-O-Match III
Ever have one of those days where you feel like you just need to smash something? I’ve found that during a particularly difficult day, relief can be found in the form of Destruct-O-Match III. I mean, what’s more cathartic than making a bunch of boulders evaporate in a plume of smoke and dust?

by krazypinkgurl

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