Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 194,210,868 Issue: 748 | 9th day of Gathering, Y18
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Week - 748

by ellipses4k
Description: Looks aren't everything.

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Ink: Dark Contrast - Part 2
It was a long time ago, when villains played by a different set of rules...

by june_scarlet


Draiks from A to Z
Just in time for Draik Day, I bring you another edition of my Neopets A to Z series. This time we look at the amazing, brave and dashing Draiks! Let`s get started!

by aleu1986


The Happy Crystal
Dessinere, who was once the happiest Neopian, was now downtrodden with showers of gloom and misery falling all over her.

by icygirl2005


Blossoms~ Snowball Effect Part 7
Old habits die hard.

by twillieblossom


Fang, Syl and The Turmaculus
Next time I'll cover him in cranberry sauce...

by ugly_llama003

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