For an easier life Circulation: 194,228,482 Issue: 750 | 23rd day of Gathering, Y18
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We found the following 7 result(s) for the keyword gumgum101230

Week - 703

Five Avatar Collecting Pitfalls
by gumgum101230
Description: In this article, I will take you through the five most common problems I have seen collectors face—problems that I have run into multiple times along my journey, and that I continue to face. For each problem, I will offer a solution that I have found to be consistently successful. If you keep these points in mind, you too can achieve the Avatar Collector Avatar!

Week - 711

One Last Game
by gumgum101230
Description: The three by three grid of raised stone squares was mocking me at this point. It was clearly a puzzle, as there were dozens of other identical puzzles scattered throughout Neoquest III. But with those other puzzles there was usually a cipher, or a scroll with a hint, or something that would help you figure out the answer. I had scoured the entire area looking for anything that could tell me the answer to the puzzle, but to no avail.

Week - 730

Petpet Doppelgangers
by gumgum101230
Description: The resemblance is uncanny!

Week - 736

Old Lupe Balthazar
by gumgum101230
Description: How had it come to this? Balthazar thought as he scraped the dried pumpkin off of his fence. A few years ago, he would have chased those pets off of his lawn without a second thought.

Week - 741

Holiday Cheer
by gumgum101230
Description: The problem with Christmas neopets!

Week - 749

The Not-So-Great Terror Mountain Expedition
by gumgum101230
Description: Every second we climbed, I wanted to turn back. But I couldn’t let Kyle know that. He was always about adventure: the danger, the risk, the reward. The unknown.

Week - 750

Scene from the Gormball Championship
by gumgum101230
Description: It's that time of year again!

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50 Reasons To Write For The Times
What is the true motivation for Neopians to consistently write year round? Well, my friends, I am here to rattle off fifty – yes, FIFTY – reasons as to why writing for the Neopian Times is a brilliant idea. Let the rambling *claps* begin!

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NeoPaper: The Box
Of course it works!

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Samrin and Balthazar
Such an innocent question that one of the younger neopets in my village asked me yesterday. I told her I had no idea why Balthazar keeps pestering me. It was a lie, I know very well why he is so keen on eating my petpets but it’s not something I like to think about.

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Beyond 750
A medieval darkness shrouded the fields of Meridell. In the cottage, two eyes blinked open, followed by two more. The twin heads of Pystry, a Mutant Hissi, blinked at one another, shaking off sleep. Pystry smiled. It was going to be a good day. Today marked the fruition of countless hours of training.

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The 1st Edition of the Neopian TImes
Wow. How old are you?

by mustikeuh121

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