A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 194,653,695 Issue: 751 | 30th day of Gathering, Y18
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We found the following 5 result(s) for the keyword cria_sherwood

Week - 735

by cria_sherwood
Description: Um, hello?! Just look at me!

Week - 736

Just Kidding
by cria_sherwood
Description: Not cool, kid.

Week - 737

Chokato Slushie
by cria_sherwood
Description: I SAID CHOKATO!

Week - 739

My Rock
by cria_sherwood
Description: That's fine...

Week - 751

Love Your Petpet
by cria_sherwood
Description: Even if he doesn't move.

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The Spirit of Black Keep: Part Nine
Pharazon had no idea what to say. This was the moment he and Celice had been dreading, and although Pharazon had put on a brave front earlier, now that it was actually happening, the only thing he could think of to do was, perhaps, hide under the bed. But fear kept him rooted to the spot.

by cosmicfire918


Happy Bashing!
They never let us have any fun!

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by frankie8492


Clipped Wings
Somewhere in a clearing in the Woods, there lay a cottage. On the outside, it appeared small and plain, but inside it was luxuriously decorated. The owner of this shack, a frivolously dressed Buzz, was gazing in a mirror while applying eye shadow, when a small Halloween Shoyru burst into the room, startling the Buzz and getting makeup everywhere.

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Autumntastic: Top Five Autumn Items - Wings
Get to know about the top five Autumn items in Neopia!

Also by foreverflyleaf

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Slorg Tip #1
Something has happened!

by canepa_diego

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