The inside scoop on Jelly W-argh! *choke* Circulation: 194,653,695 Issue: 751 | 30th day of Gathering, Y18
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword ianharrypotter

Week - 708

by ianharrypotter
Description: Cookies!

Week - 723

by ianharrypotter
Description: amagarn solmrbpe

Week - 751

by ianharrypotter
Description: Huh? No, I'm doing this for the Haunted Woods.

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Erin's Extreme Avatar Guide: Typing Terror
Typing Terror is one of those intense games that takes a lot of memorization, some practice, and a lot of luck to get the coveted avatar score. Honestly, the premise behind this game is kind of terrifying to me. As someone who both loves and fears of the concept of space and its continuous infinity, this game totally gets to me even though it’s one of the less creepy games on the site.

by krazypinkgurl


The Ardors and Agonies of Witchcraft: Part One
An explosion shook the manor to its core. When the shaking stopped, two Lupe sisters traded panicked looks, and went running in the direction from which the cacophony came. But it was already too late.

by hybatsu


The Spirit of Black Keep: Part Nine
Pharazon had no idea what to say. This was the moment he and Celice had been dreading, and although Pharazon had put on a brave front earlier, now that it was actually happening, the only thing he could think of to do was, perhaps, hide under the bed. But fear kept him rooted to the spot.

by cosmicfire918


KATIPO I: Restart: Part Five
You can see farms on the hills where future knights do their morning chores, and you can see castles in the distance where heroes plan their next journey. The fields of flowers seem endless, and the bright-coloured flags that dot the dirt paths to and from the neighbouring towns seem almost surreal in their mystical beauty.

by theschizophrenicpunk


Peas Help
Time to save some peaple!

by iswimmings

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