There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 194,254,766 Issue: 753 | 14th day of Collecting, Y18
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We found the following 14 result(s) for the keyword aethelar

Week - 536

Welcome to Neopia
by aethelar
Description: Maybe this was a mistake, I thought to myself. I was new to Neopia – only just finished filling in my account opening forms, in fact.

Week - 598

The Day After Lutari Day: Part One
by aethelar
Description: It was the day after Lutari Day, and we were taking the day off to enjoy a trip to the beach. Bannok, my young and eternally curious Kyrii, was beside himself with excitement.

Week - 599

The Day After Lutari Day: Part Two
by aethelar
Description: "Is it a petpet?" Bannok asked, leaning over me to see it. His words made me think of Callum, and I looked around with a flash of panic – but the vacana was fine, sitting on top of the beach bag and watching from a safe distance.

Week - 600

The Day After Lutari Day: Part Three
by aethelar
Description: "Come on, sleepy head," I said fondly. "Let's get some tea in you, then I think it's off to bed."

Week - 601

The Day After Lutari Day: Part Four
by aethelar
Description: The Brightvale Library was grand, with high, vaulted ceilings and a royal purple and gold carpet down the main hall...

Week - 602

The Day After Lutari Day: Part Five
by aethelar
Description: "Oi!" I said as I turned around and caught the Lutari red handed in the act of stealing a pancake. It froze for a second, looking at my with big puppy eyes...

Week - 700

Happy 700th NT Edition!! (Or Not)
by megamak
Description: Maybe I should have done this the other way around...

Also by Aethelar

Week - 710

by aethelar
Description: It's like a whole new Neopet.

Also by sophieauditore

Week - 735

Bedtime Stories
by aethelar
Description: ost of all though, I love my pets, the two bundles of fluff that keep life interesting and give me reason to smile each day. I reminded myself of this at one o'clock in the morning. I love my pets. I do.

Week - 744

The Secret of the Faerie Quests
by aethelar
Description: A collectable card. A toy ball. A stick of red lipstick.

These are all items that the questing faeries may ask for to complete their spells, but how on earth can these things be of any use?

Week - 750

Chasing Treasure: Part One
by aethelar
Description: "Well, what did you expect?" Bannok asked, adjusting the helm a degree or two to starboard to catch the shifting wind. "Royal pets. Always got to outdo each other, building bigger palaces and throwing fancier parties." The timbers of the Silver Arkmite creaked as she swung around, the salt-soaked ropes slapping against the mast as the sails filled.

Week - 751

Chasing Treasure: Part Two
by aethelar
Description: Midnight came. Midnight went. Half past midnight came and went. At seventeen minutes to one, Sam appeared, bow tie hanging untied around his neck and shirt sleeves rolled up to his elbows.

Week - 752

Chasing Treasure: Part Three
by aethelar
Description: They made sail under the last fringes of darkness, the rosy hue of dawn leeching into the sky above them. Bannok gripped the helm with white knuckled fingers and focussed on staying awake and vertical. Sam could handle the rest of the ship himself, and Niettah - so long as she wasn't getting in the way, that was all Bannok needed.

Week - 753

Chasing Treasure: Part Four
by aethelar
Description: As Sam said, the wreck was old. The rot-blackened wood of the hull was riddled with damaged and missing sections, and those that remained were almost more barnacle and seaweed than wood.

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