Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 194,254,766 Issue: 753 | 14th day of Collecting, Y18
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We found the following 11 result(s) for the keyword krazypinkgurl

Week - 740

5 Tips for Getting Difficult Game Avatars
by krazypinkgurl
Description: We avatar collectors all have similar aspirations: show off the Big Three on the AC, finally achieve the elusive Avatar Collector av, and to wipe that single tear off of our cheeks when we get the ‘Something Has Happened!’ after sending the perfect score to win a game avatar. If you’re an avatar collector on the rise--especially if you were recently introduced to Neopets or started fresh with a shiny new account--game avatars are key to achieving your goals.

Week - 741

Erin’s Extreme Avatar Guide: Extreme Herder
by krazypinkgurl
Description: Extreme Herder is one of the more notoriously difficult game avatars, which is understandable, considering the avatar score is a colossal 250 points. This game requires a lot of skill, strategy, and quick reflexes. And, let’s be frank: it also requires a little bit of luck as well.

Week - 742

Erin’s Extreme Avatar Guide: Destruct-O-Match III
by krazypinkgurl
Description: Ever have one of those days where you feel like you just need to smash something? I’ve found that during a particularly difficult day, relief can be found in the form of Destruct-O-Match III. I mean, what’s more cathartic than making a bunch of boulders evaporate in a plume of smoke and dust?

Week - 743

Erin's Extreme Avatar Guide: Hungry Skeith
by krazypinkgurl
Description: A lot of folks consider Hungry Skeith to be an average-to-difficult game avatar. Admittedly, this was in my top five of game avatars I struggled with the most. After playing for hours and hours, I developed a few strategies that I hope will help others on their path to avatar glory.

Week - 744

Erin’s Extreme Avatar Guide: Faerie Bubbles
by krazypinkgurl
Description: Now, let’s discuss a game hailing from an entirely new land: sunny, shimmering, glittery Faerieland. That’s right, folks. We’re talking Faerie Bubbles this week.

Week - 745

Erin’s Extreme Game Avatar Guide: Volcano Run II
by krazypinkgurl
Description: Volcano Run II is an incredibly difficult avatar that requires a lot of practice and skill. Even the most determined of gamers have struggled with this one. Here are some tips to help you on your quest to collect this fiery avatar and get one step closer to your avatar goals.

Week - 746

Erin's Extreme Avatar Guide: Meepit Juice Break
by krazypinkgurl
Description: One of the last game avatars I ever received was Meepit Juice Break. MJB is a complicated puzzle game that requires speed, critical thinking, and a lot of strategy

Week - 747

Erin's Extreme Avatar Guide: Chia Bomber 2
by krazypinkgurl
Description: Chia Bomber is a simple action game with a couple of fun little twists. It took me a while to master this game and its frustratingly difficult later levels, but learning the intricacies and different strategies for achieving the avatar score was an adventure.

Week - 751

Erin's Extreme Avatar Guide: Typing Terror
by krazypinkgurl
Description: Typing Terror is one of those intense games that takes a lot of memorization, some practice, and a lot of luck to get the coveted avatar score. Honestly, the premise behind this game is kind of terrifying to me. As someone who both loves and fears of the concept of space and its continuous infinity, this game totally gets to me even though it’s one of the less creepy games on the site.

Week - 752

Erin's Extreme Avatar Guide:Mutant Graveyard of Doom
by krazypinkgurl
Description: This week, we’re adventuring through graveyards and avoiding spooky creatures to get in gear for this ghostly season. Mutant Graveyard of Doom is one of those fun games that combines problem solving and adventure.

Week - 753

Erin's Extreme Avatar Guide: Carnival of Terror
by krazypinkgurl
Description: In honor of this spooky season, I’m writing a series of game guides from the Haunted World just for you, my beloved readers. This week, we’ll talk about the dreaded Carnival of Terror, featuring creepy robotic clowns shuffling across a gloomy looking fairground, complete with sparse trees and just enough smog to make you uncomfortable.

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