White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 194,254,766 Issue: 753 | 14th day of Collecting, Y18
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Battledome Warrior

by cammy45341

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Casting a Shadow: Part Two
Asilvani woke up to find out she was the only one in the hotel room. “Jimbigy and Haunter must've gotten a head start...” she mumbled.

by winter_pony4


Karamita and the Lab Jazz: Part Five
A week had passed since Karamita had first arrived in Tyrannia. She had spent the entire week playing with Lab Jazz and learning about each and every one of them. However, something felt off to her. With each passing day, she felt more and more confused.

by rocksysmom


Lame Pun Presents: Holiday Hijinks Part 2

by blackaavar


Evening Grogginess?
Well, back to bed I guess!

by flustre

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