teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 194,254,766 Issue: 753 | 14th day of Collecting, Y18
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Lame Pun Presents: Holiday Hijinks Part 2

by blackaavar

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Making the Most out of Masks
In 2012 Saskia the cybunny opened her mask cart during the Haunted Faire event. Saskia’s mission was to create the ultimate mask, and thus required helpers to try the masks out. Her side event became known as the Masks of Dread.

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A Small Sacrifice
A gentle breeze of autumn air grazed the open fields of Meridell. A lone Uni lay nearby a browning tree, her nose buried in a book. Her fur as pink as the dawn's sky, drizzled with an array of coloured paisley patterns, topped off with a verdant horn to match her mane and tail.

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An Uprising of Sweepers: Part Four
The bandits, had raided the town so many times that they are very familiar with the somewhat messy layout of the town. There are so many small roads that one could get lost if one was new to the town and its surroundings.

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Usuki Singing Stars #36: Sparkles' Dancing Shoes
Miss Stryke blew her whistle. “It’s one two three, one two three!” the yellow Kau barked at her students. “This is the Brightvalian waltz, not square dancing!” The students groaned. Everyone was paired with a dance partner and most of them were struggling to dance. Sparkles was confused as she attempted to lead her partner.

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