Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 194,445,060 Issue: 767 | 3rd day of Awakening, Y19
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We found the following 5 result(s) for the keyword hzoo_26

Week - 510

Wandering: Xell's Story
by hzoo_26
Description: Small desert shrubs clung to life in a clump to his left, and to his right in the distance, he saw the grey outline of mountains. And the Hissi known as Xellaration let a faint smile play on his lips. It was time to move, time to wander on.

Week - 526

Wandering: Birth of a Foster Parent
by hzoo_26
Description: The Hissi known as Xellaration stood in the strangest of places for a desert born Hissi like himself. He stood in the living room of a small, fixer-upper neohome, and watched as the human girl he called "Sunny" walked around and commented on the small repairs it would require.

Week - 530

by chylaira
Description: There once was a...

Written by hzoo_26

Week - 735

Origins: Ethel Boortz
by hzoo_26
Description: With a sigh, Ethel Boortz slowly eased her way up out of her rocking chair, crossed the porch, and made her way down the steps towards her young grandchildren. "Michah and Kayla, what did I tell you about Yooyball matches?"

Week - 767

Welcome to White River
by hzoo_26
Description: Portia Provoskia swept the dust from her skirt with a calculated flourish as she exited the small carriage. Her driver, a young Shoyru who talked with a thick Meridellian accent, handed the Halloween Ixi the small case that contained the few possessions she owned. "Welcome to White River, Miss."

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